Tama-Toledo: Broadway at Business 30 (10a)

 Thursday, December 9, 2021 -   Mark McFate

This is Tama-Toledo-Broadway-at-Lincoln-Hwy.md, one of two crosswalk projects from the 2021 Community Visioning work that were tagged for combined effort from Tama and Toledo. A corresponding pair of initial cost estimates are included. Please note that math errors were found in some project totals within the original estimates. The original PDF documents are very difficult to edit so corrected totals are shown only in the table1 at the end of this section.

Note that the estimate for 2300 square feet of concrete trail, 8 feet in width, as part of the intersection project is equivalent to 2300 sf / 8 ft = 287.5 linear feet of trail or sidewalk, and that amount covers just the area immediately around two intersections on S. Broadway, one at Business 30 and the other at 2nd Street. Reducing the width from 8 feet to 6 feet would save an estimated $4,500. Also, pages 2 and 3 in the PDF have been modified to correct typographic errors and to suggest a slightly modified path for the southeast corner of the S. Broadway/Business 30 intersection.

The last page of the plan lists the estimated costs for a 6-foot-wide sidewalk, roughly 780 feet connecting the S. Broadway/Business 30 intersection to Toledo’s existing sidewalk network at the northeast corner of Mill Street and S. Broadway. That original estimate did NOT include a necessary retaining wall on the east side of S. Broadway at the southeast corner of the Mill Street intersection.

On March 1, 2022, citizens in the South Tama County Community School District passed a $25,000,000 (plus) bond issue to build a new STC Middle School on the grounds of the former Iowa Juvenile Home (IJH). That development will almost certainly make a safer US 30/Broadway crossing, and connecting pedestrian routes, more important than ever. Shortly after the vote members of this committee reached out to the design firm that helped with our planning in 2021 and returned with these adjusted and additional estimated cost figures:

Scope Estimated Cost1 Note
Two intersection improvements on S. Broadway at Business 30 and 2nd Street $50,2752 Corrected1 original estimate
Segment E - Broadway from Mill St. to 2nd St., just south of the aforementioned intersection $139,035 As originally estimated2
Retaining Wall as mentioned above. 120 lineal ft. x $75/ft. $9,000 Not in original estimate
Sidewalk from Mill Street/Broadway east to Church St. and future STC Middle School grounds $19,800 Not in original estimate
Grand Total $218,110

2Note that the designer acknowledges the original estimates are conservative, and assuming relatively strict DOT funding sources. Actual costs/bids are not expected to come in this high and are unlikely to be exceeded in the near future.

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