Ribbon Cutting!

 Friday, July 14, 2023 -   Mark McFate

Ribbon Cutting

I am happy to announce that we will have the Ribbon Cutting at the crosswalk on Business 30 and Broadway on Friday, July 14th at noon. We have reflector vests to give out to participants who need one as well as bottled water. The program shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. Our hope is that this gives walkers and bikers a sense of safety and residents become more active. Please plan to attend this short but important program. Steve Kenkel is working on a video to educate drivers and pedestrians on how to safely use the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon. Our plan is to show it before movies and put on Facebook. We will also educate with Jonathan’s coverage in the newspaper. Karen, will get the word out on Facebook and be on the Chamber’s Facebook Page. Mark, would you please put this on the website? Done! Thanks for your continued support and encouragement along the way!
